Star Wars Mush Wiki
Alien snp Feeorin
Homeworld: Unknown
System: Unknown
Height: 2.2 meters (average)
Skill Min. Max.
Dexterity 1D+0 3D+2
Knowledge 1D+1 4D+0
Mechanical 1D+0 3D+2
Perception 1D+1 4D+0
Strength 2D+0 4D+2
Technical 1D+1 4D+0
Attribute Points 12D+0
Skill Points 7D+0
Move 10/12

The Feeorin were a bipedal species of sapients that spread across the Outer Rim after the demise of their homeworld, thousands of years before the Invasion of Naboo, and established a major colony on Odryn[1]. Feeorin were quick to anger and highly impersonal. They typically placed their own affairs above others, causing other species to regard them as selfish.

Biology and Appearance[]

The Feeorins were a warm-blooded reptillian species. The average Feeorin had thick tendrils hanging from the backs of their heads (similar to those of the amphibious Nautolans) and had mottled skin ranging from yellow to green and blue. A few examples had jet-black or white skin pigmentation. The Feeorin could live for up to four hundred years, and due to a unique metabolism, they grew stronger with age rather than weaker. Curiously, some Feeorins had noses while others lacked any nasal openings.

Society and Culture[]

The Feeorin believed that the spirits of their fallen Elders resided at the Sanctum of the Exalted, where they forged Odryn's seasons. Because of this, when the presence of the Helm of Dathka Graush altered the weather six kilometers around the Sanctum, many believed the dead Elders were angry at the presence of outsiders - non-Feeorin - there. This was also a violation of the Rime Feeorin, the Feeorin's ancient code.

Special Abilities[]

Low-Light Vision: Feeorin can see twice as far as a human in dim light.

Endurance: Due to their high level of endurance, Feeorin may re-roll any failed stamina roll once.

Story Factors[]

Bad Reputation: On worlds where they have settled, Feeorin characters may be regarded as evil or dangerous based on their species alone.
